' ClipInOut_to_GlbPlugin ' Initial code generated by XSI SDK Wizard ' Executed Fri Jun 26 11:46:08 UTC+0900 2009 by ritaro ' ' Tip: To add a command to this plug-in, right-click in the ' script editor and choose Tools > Add Command. ' ' Tip: To get help on a callback, highlight the callback name ' (for example, "Init", "Define", or "Execute") and press F1. function XSILoadPlugin( in_reg ) in_reg.Author = "ritaro" in_reg.Name = "ClipInOut_to_GlbPlugin" in_reg.Email = "" in_reg.URL = "" in_reg.Major = 1 in_reg.Minor = 0 in_reg.RegisterCommand "ClipInOut_to_Glb","ClipInOut_to_Glb" in_reg.RegisterMenu siMenu3DViewGeneralContextID, "ClipInOut_to_Glb_Menu", false,false 'RegistrationInsertionPoint - do not remove this line XSILoadPlugin = true end function function XSIUnloadPlugin( in_reg ) dim strPluginName strPluginName = in_reg.Name Application.LogMessage strPluginName & " has been unloaded.",siVerbose XSIUnloadPlugin = true end function function ClipInOut_to_Glb_Init( in_ctxt ) dim oCmd set oCmd = in_ctxt.Source oCmd.Description = "CLIP no InOut wo FrameNo ni" oCmd.SetFlag siSupportsKeyAssignment,false oCmd.ReturnValue = true ClipInOut_to_Glb_Init = true end function function ClipInOut_to_Glb_Execute( ) Application.LogMessage "ClipInOut_to_Glb_Execute called",siVerbose ' ' TODO: Put your command implementation here. ' ClipInOut_to_Glb_Execute = true end function function ClipInOut_to_Glb_Menu_Init( in_ctxt ) dim oMenu set oMenu = in_ctxt.Source oMenu.AddCommandItem "ClipInOut_to_Glb","ClipInOut_to_Glb" ClipInOut_to_Glb_Menu_Init = true end function